23 Things I learned in My 23rd Year

Welcome to my Jordan Year!!  Twenty-Three. (Milly rocks).  Personally, I still feel 21. 

Turning 23, right now more than ever, I am certain that life is a collection of ups and downs with everyday being an opportunity to learn something new. This past year has been wild, the virus outbreak and the nation wide lockdowns were truly such daunting times. However, I’ve learnt a lot since the start of this pandemic, about myself, the world we live in, and a huge increase in my faith and relationship with God.

The current reality we live in has put a lot in perspective. It has taught me to remember how precious time is and because of this, I am slowly discovering what really matters and how valuable every single day is. I have so much more to learn but every year that passes I grow a bit more wiser and I wanted to share some of the wisdom I’ve gathered thus far now that I am quarter way through life! I still have to continuously  remind myself of these from time to time but I really hope you enjoy them. 

23 Things I’ve Learned:

1.Practice the attitude of gratitude

Gratitude is Powerful. One of the best things that I’ve started doing is practicing gratitude, reflecting on all the blessings in my life has made me more appreciative of everything and everyone around me. Rather than always expecting more for life, appreciating and being thankful for what I have/had has changed my entire perspective on how I see the world. Giving gratitude towards  even the smallest things; being able to look up at the sun and feel the rays on your face, hearing birds chirp at 5AM, to simply being able to function and be healthy and safe is a blessing itself.

2. Pet more puppies

Not even kidding. I am such a dog lover and if I see a really cute doggie literally anywhere I will immediately ask their owner if I can say hello. I absolutely love dogs, I have 5. I believe they deserve all the love in the world, their time is so limited compared to ours, we are their whole world.

3. Collect moments, not things 

Pictures or it didn’t happen! You won’t regret it when you are 80 and looking back at old memories. I am all about moments, capturing a special moment allows you to be transported back to a specific moment over and over again. With this ongoing pandemic “outside life” has been put on a halt, this has caused a lot of reminiscing on my end. To me, life is about experiences shared with those closest to you which is more valuable than any material goods.

Experiences/moments are what last, I don’t remember most of the gifts I’ve ever gotten from friends and family but I do remember the adventures and memories I’ve created with them and to capture each and every one of those moments is something so special.

4. Rooibos tea with milk SLAPS differently. Fight me!

5. Being happy is not an end-goal, it is an everyday practice.

Happiness is a mindset that should be practiced daily. I’ve learnt that happiness does not come from a place (If I go there, I will be happy) nor from a person (If he/she likes me, then I am happy) or even a goal (If I get this, then I will be happy). Happiness is a way of life, its something you choose and needs to happen from within.

6. Bring snacks 

Everywhere!  I am literally the “snack plug”. I always have snacks in my bag. You never know when something will go on for longer than expected so its always good to have a few snacks to munch on, instead of making the quick turn to fast food outlets.

7.  Learn how to be alone

I firmly believe that this is the best thing any woman could ever do for herself. So many people are scared of being alone and never take the time to discover their true self. I personally thrive in my solitude, there is nothing more empowering and freeing than your own company. Taking time for yourself away from the noise of the world is extremely rewarding, and sometimes taking steps alone is the only way to really figure out where you need to be and who you need to be. Being alone isn’t the same as being lonely. Sometimes jumping from relationship to relationship causes more harm than good and that is why it is so important to learn how to be on your own and be your primary source of validation and master the art of self-love.

8. Your friend circle will become smaller and smaller

As we grow, we evolve and its either you grow together or you out grow each other. Its only natural for our friends to change. Its in these moments that make you that much more grateful for the true, life-long friendships. Having one true, loyal friend who inspires you to pursue your dreams, claps for you when you’re winning, lends a shoulder to cry on when times are tough, who will laugh hysterically with you when nothing is funny and ( most importantly) who will show up without you having to ask and stand with you when you are in season of being harder to love, is precious. A friend who turns into family.

You will meet alot of people in this life but very few of them will be your close friends. When you find them. Love them well. And, more importantly return the favour.

9. I learned that I cannot stay awake for an entire movie

Whenever we watch a movie on Netflix at home, I fall asleep within the first half hour. Every time. (Low-key feel like I am becoming a granny. LOL!)

10. Be Kind 

To yourself. To others. To our planet.

11. Consume less

Less negativity. Less plastic. Less social media. Less of everything in general. “If it does not  add to your life, it does not belong in your life”, simple

12. Don’t take anything for granted

One of our biggest mistakes in life is taking too much for granted. We tend to live life as if nobody could ever take anything away from us. We neglect our loved ones, our health and our passions for way too long until we find out that these are actually the things that matter the most.

Being grateful for all your blessings, big or small, is the most powerful emotion we can have. This lockdown and the pandemic has really taught me alot, in this short time I’ve learnt that focusing on the good and all the blessings that you already do have, is a magnet for miracles. Doing this, allows you to realise just how much there is to be grateful for: shelter, internet access (unlimited), clean water, fresh air, food, safety, the health of your family members, having cars, to even netflix and so much more.

Most importantly, make sure that the important people in your life know that they are important. Make sacrifices for them, check in on them regularly. Don’t take people for granted; they won’t always be around. 

I will give thanks to you LORD, with all my heart: I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalms 9:1

13.Live your best life

This one of the biggest lessons I have learned during 2019 and 2020. Whatever it is, wherever you are and whatever decision you make it should always be towards your happiness in one way or another. Take risks, get uncomfortable, get comfortable, say yes, say no, blast Drake songs in your car, dance, sing, pray, exercise, practice self-care, have a nap, TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL, travel with friends, travel by yourself, just travel, put make-up on and wear a cute outfit, buy those kicks, eat that cake and have those fries, life is too short to do anything else.

14.Know when to apologize

I am not perfect. We will never be perfect. We fail each other everyday. When you are wrong apologize. This is something I have learnt from my mom. I know admitting when you are wrong can be very difficult sometimes, especially if you don’t think you actually did or said anything wrong. But those simple words can mean a lot to whoever you might have hurt, and it won’t kill you to say it, even if you don’t think you have anything to be sorry for.  Sometimes its better to simply say sorry because you value the relationship/person more than the disagreement or argument

15.Fresh flowers change the world

No explanation needed. Who doesn’t love flowers. Sometimes just having a fresh floral arrangement around the house does wonders to your mind and adds a bit of hope and light to your life.

16. Love is an action

Love isn’t simply just a word. And it’s not just a feeling. Love is an action verb, it is who and what we are and is demonstrated in what we do to and for others.

“God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son” John 3:16.

This is the perfect example of what love is, God demonstrates what love is and teaches us how to love and treat others. Love above all else is sacrificial, it is self-giving, it is the sacrifice of self for the sake of others. Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing those you love.

Love as an action seems like a hard concept in a world where effort has become increasingly low-key. Love is an action; love heals, love cares, love understands, love makes an effort, love supports, love listens, love creates, love trusts and love is honest. It is an active thing, it carries us to make the effort even when those feelings of love don’t feel as strong. Because, love is something we choose to do, not something we FEEL. Feelings change everyday, we wake up feeling different emotions and when we are moved by feelings and having our relationships solely based on “feelings” overtime it tends to disappear or fade away. Love is an act of committed decision making to extend ourselves beyond what we feel. Love is an act of will– namely both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. But we choose to love. Love is as love does.

Love is always risky, because we cannot enter into it without being changed. Altered. Transformed. Love is the willingness to have our hearts become larger as we make room for people and stories and experiences we never fathomed holding. It is the willingness to move beyond the surface layers of assumptions, prejudices or habits in order to receive what-and who is before us. It is the willingness to have our hearts continually and utterly broken and restored as we take in the brokenness and beauty of humanity. Truth is that good love takes everything good, your strength, your hope, your joy, your happiness but it also gives so much purpose. With love, the right God sent love, comes wholeness, purpose, contentment, acceptance, peace and everlasting happiness.

17. Help others as much as you can.

Nothing feels better than knowing you’re impacting someone else’s life. Whether it’s simply a smile or a wave to someone who looks down, donating to someone in need, paying for someone’s groceries, to even just offering your support to someone going through a hard time, helping others even if it is in the smallest way could change their lives.

18.Celebrate life

I feel like this couldn’t be more important at the moment when we are all learning that our lives can change from one moment or another. Celebrate small victories and even smaller anniversaries. Celebrate Saturdays and finishing a book. Celebrate the big accomplishments; Getting your degree (in a pandemic….is sort of a BIG DEAL), getting a job, getting into University, getting a car and achieving your life-long goals. It is important to pay attention to the things you are proud of and happy about and it is extremely important to celebrate those accomplishments.

19.Having a bomb playlist can make your day/life 1000 times better!

20.Prayer is good for the soul

Taking time to pray not only for myself but for others and meditate on God’s word has changed my life in more ways than one. There is so much power in prayer.

21. Sometimes eating ice-cream solves everything.

22.Being soft hearted is good.

Keep your heart soft and show compassion, always. Never create walls to close yourself in, it’s suffocating and detrimental to your health. Love people better than they love you. Serve people who you know would not serve you, Forgive those who leave dents and make room for those who want to heal with you

23. Lastly, it doesn’t matter how many things you’ve learned in how many years. There is always more to see/learn/love/do.

I definitely don’t have it all figured out and I still have to remind myself of some of these from time to time, but I really hope you enjoyed these! I am so  thankful for the lessons that the first 23 years of life taught me. As I continue to grow and change, I look forward to navigating my 20s. I hope 23 brings more of eating desserts before dinners, laughs that feel as though I am getting a six-pack, more blessings and being with people who feel like home. I am entering this year of my life with so much gratitude and thankfulness.

If you have gotten this far into this post. I just want to take the time to say that I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart for showing support, reading my posts, and just showing love. I hope this blog makes you laugh, gives you great advice, and creates a healthy environment for you to express your own thoughts and opinions.

With Love. Always

Miki ♡

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